First Baptist Church of Mulberry
Saturday, December 21, 2024

Birthday Celebration


Birthday Celebration

Birthday Cake


Birthday Cake

Marie Colson - Age 101 and Pastor Greg


Marie Colson - Age 101 and Pastor Greg

Max Holleyman - Age 95 and Pastor Greg


Max Holleyman - Age 95 and Pastor Greg

Birthday Celebration #1


Birthday Celebration #1

Birthday Celebration #2


Birthday Celebration #2

Birthday Celebration #3


Birthday Celebration #3

Birthday Celebration #4


Birthday Celebration #4

Birthday Celebration #5


Birthday Celebration #5

Birthday Celebration #6


Birthday Celebration #6

Birthday Celebration #7


Birthday Celebration #7

Birthday Celebration #8


Birthday Celebration #8

Birthday Celebration #9


Birthday Celebration #9

Birthday Celebration #10


Birthday Celebration #10

Birthday Celebration #11


Birthday Celebration #11

Birthday Celebration #12


Birthday Celebration #12

Birthday Celebration #13


Birthday Celebration #13

Birthday Celebration #14


Birthday Celebration #14